
From Glasgow to The World

From Glasgow to The World


Tells the story of the significant global impact of those who studied at the BTI and its later evolutions as Glasgow Bible College and then as International Christian College. It is an inspiring story of many ordinary men and women, shaped by God and through the college for   effective ministry throughout Scotland and world.

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Happy Holiness

Happy Holiness

Author: Bishop Ryle
Genres: Biblical, Christian

Many people find the idea of being “holy” not appealing. They think of aged people cut off from the world, subsisting on dry bread and cold water. Or people with grim faces, frowning on all forms of fun and enjoyment.

But as the late Dr W. Graham Scroggie wrote, “Holiness and happiness go together.”

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The Jesus Story in 4D

The Jesus Story in 4D

Author: Nigel Andrews
Genres: Biblical, Christian

Nigel Andrews has combined the four Gospel narratives into a single account, in the order in which they take place, including all the major elements and details. The Jesus story in 4D is not inteneded to replace reading each Gospel individually, but shows the overall shape and development of Jesus' ministry, giving the general reader a full understandjing when reading the individual Gospels.

Material from the first two chapters of the Acts of the Apostles has been included to complete the picture of Jesus' teaching between His Resurrection and Ascension.

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