
Most types of manuscript are considered for publication, but no illustrated books for young childre, and nothing libellous, pornographic, or anti-Christian.

Do not submit manuscripts, but in the first instance send a letter (or email) stating the type of book you want published, e.g. autobiography, fiction, poetry, dealing with a problem.

Say why you want the book published and the type of person you want to read/buy it.

If you want a reply by post, please enclose a s.a.e.


Loxwood Press is a very small, comparatively new, publishing company and we do not have an extensive marketing force. So if you are wanting large sales of your book and want to make money out of it, then you should approach another publisher. We do pay a royalty on sales, but for most authors it is only quite small.


If you want the book published mainly for personal reasons and will cover the cost, you should expect that to print 50 copies of a 100 page paperback would cost you in the region of £300. You can probably find other self-financing publishers who are a little cheaper, but we use a reputable digital printer who perfects binds properly and we use an experienced designer to produce the cover. This gives you a unit cost of £6 per copy.

You may be told that the unit cost would drop down if you printed more copies, say 100, and this is true, but we advise against too large a first print run because there is no value in having more copies than you can realistically use. If more copies are needed, we can get a reprint done very quickly.